Sunday, July 17, 2011

Then and Now - 02 (click on image to enlarge)

Dan Gaudynski

Dave Strandberg

Ed Albrecht

Eric Aschenbrenner

Grant Munkwitz

Jackie Klinkosh

Jim Lilach

Keith Meadows

27-year Reunion Picnic

A lot of food, a lot of drink and a lot of laughs.  If you weren't there, you missed a great time!!  Thanks to all who could make it.  For those who took pictures, please email them to me ( so I can add them to the website.  As always, let me know if anyone is coming into town so we can setup a gathering somewhere. 



Our wonderful cooks:  Chris Baas and her husband Jim Loos

Tracy Beardsley and Jennifer Colburn

Pierre Couture and Tom Mantey (Pierre's daughter in background)

Grant Munkwitz

Teresa Helm, Dawn Peitruszynski and her new hubby Manny.  Welcome to the family Manny!!

 Denise Kasulke and Kim Salentine

Randall (Teresa Helm's man-friend) and Bobby Welch

Wayne Kappelman and his beautiful new bride Pawn.  Welcome to the crew Pawn, you're stuck with us now!! 

Rod Colburn surrounded by this harem:  Natalie Wichgers and Gina Martinez 

Group Photo 1:  Front - Chris Baas, Natalie Wichgers, Denise Kalsuke, Tracy Beardsley and Kim Salentine.  Back - Dawn Peitruszynski, Teresa Helm, Wayne Kappelman, Tom Mantey, Jeff Lampe, Rod Colburn, Bob Welch and Pierre Couture.

Group Photo 2:  Front - John Julkowski, Keith Nault and Jeff Lampe.  Back - Ken Pisarek, Tom Mantey, Tracy Beardsley, Kevin Gibson, Chris Mariani and Rod Colburn.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Then and Now - 01 (click on image to enlarge)

John Starich

Dennis Szymborski 

Dean Clark

Amy Kangas

Dana Gauerke

Gary Hicks

Mary Harding

Pete Balistierri

Steve Karls

06/24/11: Steve Karls visit to Muskego

Steve Karls recently came back to Muskego for a visit.  We had 11 classmates come out for a gathering at Matty's Bar and Grille.  Good times were had by all.

Group Picture - Take 1:  (L to R) Dan Nelson, Mary Scott, Keith Nault, Julie Beatka, Dana Gauerke, Jeff Lampe, Steve Karls, Tracy Beardsley and John Starich.  Not pictured:  Lori Pulczinski and Dan Dassow.

Group Picture - Take 2

Friday, January 7, 2011

27 year reunion picnic - July 16th, 2011

Why wait until 2014 to get together again??  We're having a picnic!!!!  Please view the flyer below and let Tom Mantey or Jeff Lampe know if you have any questions.  We hope you can make it.  Please RSVP by 07/02/11.  Thanks.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kevin Buckholtz Roadtrip:

Here's a nice read from Kevin Buckholtz.  He recently went on a four-day motorcycle trip with his brother Dale.  The pictures were beautiful in the original document he sent me.  I hope some of that beauty comes through in the scans I have.  Click on the images to enlarge.  Thanks for sharing this Kevin.

Original Class of 1984 website:

Hi All,

Somehow, after changing email addresses, I managed to lock myself out as an Editor on the original website I build for our class.  As a result, I've created this new website.  Below is the URL to the original site, but going forward, this will be the one that gets updated.  Hope you're all doing well.  Please remember to keep me posted of any changes to your contact information as well as any pictures you'd like me to post.  My new email address is  Also, please watch for information regarding the class picnic we'll be having on 07/16/11.  Children are welcome!!!!

Your Pal Jeff